Earlier this year, we shared our initial plans for the redevelopment of 29 Tite Street and creation of a new exhibition space for the National Army Museum.

We also presented our initial proposals to RBKC’s Quality Review Panel, which is made up of 23 independent and experienced professionals from a broad range of backgrounds including experts in architecture, sustainability, transportation planning and inclusive design.

Over 160 people took part in the first stage of consultation, and we would like to thank everyone for their feedback on the proposals. Many of you told us that you were in favour of developing the site in principle and the extension to the National Army Museum was also positively received.

All feedback has been informative and directly helped our team evolve the proposals.

We asked for your feedback on our initial plans in July and you told us:

  • 76% were supportive on the principle of the site being redeveloped.
  • 36% were supportive of the proposed designs, with a further 36% of you saying you were unsure or wanted to see more detailed designs.
  • 59% were supportive of the proposed green spaces on Royal Hospital Road and Tite Street.
  • 33% were supportive of the number of homes proposed with a further 30% of you saying you were unsure.
  • 65% were supportive of the opportunity to create new exhibition space for the National Army Museum.
  • 47% of you felt the proposals were heading in the right direction, whilst 27% felt they were not and 26% were unsure.

Following our initial stage of community consultation, our team have been working with the RBKC and other stakeholders to respond to the feedback we have received.

Taking this feedback into consideration, we have revised the plans, where possible, and a summary of the key changes are below. We have:

  • Revised the massing of the building to retain a large proportion of the existing garden on Tite Street and trees.
  • Removed the proposed community gallery on the corner of Tite Street and Royal Hospital Road.
  • Developed the design of building, following further analysis of Tite Street and the wider local area.
  • Developed the servicing strategy of the National Army Museum to manage vehicle movements and minimise any impact on the proposed new garden.
  • Progressed the design of the new museum garden to incorporate seating, spaces for outdoor learning and play areas.
  • Developed the design of National Army Museum extension to include gallery spaces and an auditorium.


Get in touch

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.

Call: 0203 866 4696

Email: consultation@tite-street.co.uk